Maybe I’m a bit biased because I’m half Irish, but I love potatoes. I also happen to love pasta, so when I learned about Southern Italian dish called pasta and potatoes, I felt like I had struck gold. This nifty carb overload marries not only two of my favorite things but also both of my heritages!
Now, I recently had the chance to visit a place in Milan with a similar pairing of my heritages: Gialle&Co, a locale specializing in baked potatoes. (Before I go on, let me just say that I know baked potatoes tend to be more British, but potatoes are also very Irish.)
Well, I just love hearing stories about people bringing dreams and ideas to fruition. Five Italian friends traveling in London loved the city’s baked potato scene so much, that they decided to open a baked potato joint in their native Italy. Late last year, Galle&Co was born in Milan and specializes in baked potatoes with an Italian touch.
Instead of typical toppings like beans and cheese, chef Andrea Vigna has created a selection of Italian-inspired-filled spuds at Gialle&Co. The menu is as follows: Immancabili (the evergreens), Meatariane, Fishytariane, Veggytariane, and Vegane. All baked potatoes range from 7 to 11 euro in price and change with the season.

Some not-to-miss eats at Gialle&Co. include Crudelicious with both crispy and raw prosciutto, burrata and spinach; Polpo Paul with octopus, olives, cherry tomatoes, and butter; Madame Aubergine with eggplant cream, mint, zucchini and yellow tomatoes; and From Genova with Love with pesto, green beans, pecorino and pine nuts. Since traditional Ligurian pesto includes potatoes, the latter really hit it out of the ballpark. Though I did very much enjoy everything else I tasted, too! Finish with the dreamy millefoglie with chantilly cream and frutti di bosco.
At aperitivo time, 9 euro will get you get a beer or glass of wine plus some salume, cheese and two mini spuds.
Gialle&Co’s super cute ambiance evokes an urban garden that juxtaposes the contemporary with the old. Tap water pours from a cement fountain in the back while garden tools potato cultivation adorn the walls. It’s like sitting in someone’s backyard, and it’s just adorable.
Another thing to love: orario continuato! They open at noon and close at 11pm seven days a week, serving food all day long. I adore places that stay open between lunch and dinner. It’s super convenient for anyone whose train perhaps arrived late or who slept in longer than they had planned after landing due to jet lag. Go give it a try! Oh, and did I mention that it’s on Deliveroo?
Via A. Volta, 12
+39 333 8255507
Open seven days: 12pm to 11pm