Let me preface this by saying that I am indeed very proud of myself for having the courage to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk because I know that picking up and starting a life in another country is not something that everyone can do. Many people have told me they admire my decision to move to Rome and that they think I’m brave. While I so appreciate the kind words, I must give credit where it’s due so I would like to acknowledge several people who were instrumental in this decision. Some of you are Italians while others are expats like myself, and you have all been ever so helpful to me.
Actually, I shouldn’t even compare myself to you because we are different types of expats. Many of you came here completely on your own without a sublet lined up and learned the Rome ropes yourselves. You didn’t have anyone–like I did you–to teach you everything one needs to know such as the best dry cleaners, where (and how!) to buy coffee, apartment hunting websites, the best vegetable stand at the market, how to use a Moka, where to buy my detergent and to always, always make sure I get a receipt just in case I get stopped by a member of the Guardia di Finanzia after leaving a store. I can go on and on about everything you have taught me–and still continue to do–on a daily basis. I tip my hat to you because you are far braver that me. I admire your courage.
I’m forever thankful to all of you–expats & Italians. You helped me to stop delaying the inevitable. I would not be here in Rome right now without your guidance, generosity and support. And if I was, I would be such a hot mess.
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