I’ve slacked again. I know, I know. But this time, with good reason. Now forgive the shameless self promotion, but I’m super proud to share with the world a project on which I’ve been collaborating: Sauce Milan, a new English website dedicated to Milan’s food and beverage scene. My partners in Sauce Milan crime? My dear food writer friends and fellow Milan enthusiasts, Ryan King and Sara Porro. We have worked our tails off during the past few months and we’re excited to see our idea come to fruition. Nearly 200 people attended our launch party on 16 June and we’ve received a warm welcome from our peers, colleagues and friends, all of whom have inundated us with love, support, generosity and kindness. We’re grateful, appreciative and flattered. Very special thanks to Bob Noto, L’Accademia Panino Giusto, Le Clochard Champagne and Zaini chocolate.
I’ve waxed poetic about Milan several times (such as here, here and here)…it truly is a remarkable city and one whose food scene is sadly unsung compared to the rest of this majestic country. Italy projects that 20 million people will visit Milan in 2015 to attend the World Expo, so Sauce Milan was partially created with them in mind as well as for both visitors and locals looking to eat and drink well here. We’re also developing food tour itineraries which will be up on the site soon. Fun! So if you know of anyone visiting Milan, send ’em our way please!
So yes, this means I’m in Milan now and no, I won’t be changing the name of my blog to Milansick. Firstly, it just doesn’t sound right. Secondly, I still adore the bejesus out of Rome and although I find Milan much more livable, I get the occasional Romesick pang. Luckily, I’m just a three hour train ride away.
So happy for you and your colleagues at Sauce Milan. We will have to make a trip in 2015:-)
Thanks so much, Mom! I love you! and yes, you had better come visit next year! xo